Monthly Archives: May 2013

A Long Road Trip? Noooooooo!

Almost summer! Here you go.You’re headed out on the road with the kids. Sure, you can put a movie into a player and that’s an easy two hours. But what about creating memories? I feel disconnected from my child if the whole trip is spent staring into our portable devices. When I was a kid (ha! there’s that line!), boredom brought about invention. We


Choose Music – and WHY is that?

The benefits of music are vast and impactful. Maybe not all parents have gotten the word. For example, I hear some version of this all too often: Parent: We’re trying to decide between gymnastics and music. Me: I love gymnastics. But it’s NOT music. Or a parent may say, “My child is losing interest in music.” With most everything in life worth doing, there are


School Morning near the End of Kingergarten

When have you felt such overwhelming love for your child, even amidst anger, disappointment, or frustration? How much do we have to grow ourselves up to rise to this amazing feat of parenting? ~~~~~ School Morning near the End of Kindergarten by Beth Kelley Gillogly I just feel so thankful this morning, she said. I want to thank you and daddy for being my parents. I


Over-the-Fence Parenting Pros and Cons

Parenting is a job thrust upon untrained workers. Parents often look to other parents for tools. I call it Over-the-Fence Parenting as I am reminded of my mother leaning over the fence to talk with her neighbor about the latest recipes, mothering issues, and neighborhood news. Later, when I saw films of tribal women talking together as they worked, I would think of my
