Monthly Archives: June 2013

Bad Parents or Bad Kids?

Neither. But often both are working too hard. Parents are trying to adjust their parenting to every situation that arises. How exhausting. And kids are hardwired to take the reins if they can’t figure out who’s in charge. That’s exhausting for them because they don’t have the skills. All of this can create a tired, stressed family who aren’t having much fun. I’m in


Three Tools to Help Aggression in Children

 My son was born with a stick in his hand. Not literally, of course. That would have been painful. Truly though, as soon as he could grasp, he wanted to hold a stick. As he grew, it wasn’t enough to hold one. He needed to see what his stick could do. A drummer in the making, he banged on everything in site, including other


Family Members’ Blood Boils as Noise Level Rises

Sometimes noise can build so slowly that you don’t even know why you are tense, unable to concentrate, and ready to scream louder than the noise you are hearing! The other day before my parent/child music class started, four good friends were holding hands, whipping up a circle, and whooping up their voices. They got louder and louder until it was uncomfortable. The nearby


When Good Intentions Cause Bad Results

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Bruce Williams. For all of the benefits of social media, it’s important to be well educated about its pitfalls, especially as parents. ~~~~ There’s no question that in the past few years, the advent of social media and especially Facebook has affected the lives of many. How so and how much? Who knows? Certainly not me.
