Yearly Archives: 2014

Share and Share Alike…Or?

Sharing. Taking turns. A child’s favorite toy is snatched up by another. How often does it end in tears and anger? Are small children too young to learn to share? In a recent article by Very Bloggy Beth, Why I Don’t Make My Son Share, she writes of her pre-school’s sharing policy in which a child can keep a toy as long as they


Gun Play and Boys

From the moment my son could grasp, he held a stick in his hand. As he grew, the stick became integral to his play. It took on the life of a sword, a knife, a light saber, a spear. I thought of these as healthy ways for him to express childhood curiosity towards power and and aggression. But then, the stick became a gun.


Help Your Child Peacefully Fall Asleep

My son was 2 when we began to help him transition into his own big boy bed. At first he used our assistance to fall asleep – lullabies, holding hands, or gentle back rubs. It then changed to where he just needed us in the room. Today, I found this scrap of paper and it reminded me of how sweet the words were we


15 Things Successful Parents Do

  . . . or what’s really going on with parents we wish we were like ~~~~~~~~~~ 1. They See Their Child’s Misbehavior as a Good Problem When their child misbehaves, successful parents see this as a good problem. The misbehavior tells the parent exactly what the child needs to learn – no more guess work. They stop their child’s world and help them learn what’s expected
