Monthly Archives: July 2016

My Child is Rude…

Surly tones, “bad words,” mean comments…these can all feel disrespectful. One of the first questions I ask of parents, “Is there behavior to match the rudeness, or is it confined comments and tone?” If there is behavior to match, then it’s important to address the behavior. Here, we’ll focus on tone and language. Stay Calm If the rudeness remains in the realm of words and tone,


Touch, Balance, Move – Encouraging Sensory Integration

Young children live and learn through their bodies. Without the distraction of verbal language and with immature cognitive development, young children live and learn through their bodies. They grow and learn about the world through their developing senses: vision, taste, smell, auditory, tactile (touch), vestibular (sense of balance), and proprioception (body awareness). We can help children to integrate what is received through these senses.  Learning to have
