Tag Archives: cooperation

Credit Reports Change Behavior

Speaking negatively could hurt you but speaking positively never will. Don’t hit your sister. You can’t seem to remember to hang up your coat. Stop interrupting me. There is too much yelling in here. You never want to brush your teeth. Why can’t you pick up your toys? All day long, negative comments like these come out of parents’ mouths. The outcome is often


Simplify Parenting by Simplifying Life

Embrace experience over things and “enough” rather than always more. – Dr. Kim John Payne As we look for ways to calm our children, better understand them, and guide them through early childhood, a cluttered house and over-filled schedule can add to a sense of chaos for children. Their brains are growing rapidly and there is so much going on inside – it’s helpful


How to Do a Do-Over

A Do-Over is an opportunity to repeat a behavior with the guidance of the parent. Any time you want to instill a new behavior or you want your child to have more respectful behavior – these are good times for Do-Overs. From chores to sibling disagreements, re-doing the scene not only allows for another try at doing it respectfully, but it stops the child’s


Make Life Easier with a Routine Chart

I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, there’s lots of weather. And that often means an extra added amount of time to get out the door in the morning. Shirts, sweaters, pants, socks, mittens, jacket, hat… Just locating the needed items takes time and then there is the challenge to get it all on. Or maybe your child gets easily


Share and Share Alike…Or?

Sharing. Taking turns. A child’s favorite toy is snatched up by another. How often does it end in tears and anger? Are small children too young to learn to share? In a recent article by Very Bloggy Beth, Why I Don’t Make My Son Share, she writes of her pre-school’s sharing policy in which a child can keep a toy as long as they
